The Battle of Klyastitsy on the 19th (31st) of July.

The Battle of Krasniy on the 2nd (14th) of August.

The Battle of Smolensk on the 5th (17th ) of August.

The Battle of Valoutina Gora, August 7 (19)
(1840-ו דד. ױמכסע, לאסכמ 112 ץ 180)

The Battle of Borodino, Agust the 26th (September, 7)

The Battle of Taroutino, October 6th (18th).

The Battle of Polotsk on the 7th (19th ) of October.

The Battle of Malo-Yaroslavets on the 12th (24th ) of October.

The Battle of Viasma on the 22nd of October (3rd of November).

The Battle of Krasniy on the 5th (17th) of November.

The Battle of Losmin on the 6th (18th) of November.

The Berezina Crossing on the 16th (28th) of November.
(1840s Canvas, oil 173x266)